week 2 of 2024
nicky.blender on instagram makes the cutest 3d illustrations using blender. such wonderful cozy graphics. plenty of little demo process videos too.
I’m trying to resurrect my habit of curating the interesting things I find on the web. This is mostly for myself but sharing publicly in case someone else finds it useful.
Consuming content online is, for the most part, a mindless act. But creating content forces you to reflect, to introspect, to look at yourself and the world around you in different ways.
Hoping this process of curating helps me to build better habits in building my own content as well. I tend to collect a lot of stuff but have gotten lax on processing and creating new. Maybe writing summations and organizing these posts will get me back into the practice of publishing new content.
current backlog - I have over 100 unsorted articles and snippets saved in my obsidian vault. There’s a lot of good stuff in there that I need to deal with sooner or later. I’m curious to see if saying this publicly is enough to shame me into dealing with my unprocessed backlog? probably not
big find
Good Enough seems like a cool group of people making interesting things. I like how they started their group without a product or goal or direction. They have spent their first year creating a bunch of experiments in hopes figuring out what where they want to work. Love that idea of learning in public.
So I’ve decided to start putting some of their projects to use. I’ve migrated my neat things blog over to their free Pika blogging system. Chances are, this is where you are reading this post. Pretty awesome so far.
I’m also using their free simple contact form Letterbird. Spent yesterday setting up the contact page on my website. Couldn’t get the embed script to work so using an iframe for now. It works good enough for what it needs to do.
other neat stuff
Noizer One is an online sound generator for ambient background noises. Can mix tons of different sounds like Cafe, Street, Playground, Waves, Birds, Rain, etc. Added to my growing list of ambient and chill beats.
How do video games work? is a solid breakdown of the different techniques and technology used in creating graphics.
St. Peter’s Basilica in Vatican City gets a digital twin. Architectural preservation with 3D mapping.